Monday, October 30, 2006

The Time of the Great Pumpkin

Happy Early Halloween everyone. I hope you enjoy this sick and twisted spoof of a classic!

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Here's a link to my friend's hilarious website. Fans of sarcasm will want to click it.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Motivator of the weekend

Becuase this is the weekend where many people will be having Halloween parties, and going out you'll see costumes like slutty nurse, slutty librarian, slutty school girl, slutty apple, slutty slut ect.... this "motivator fits this weekend perfectly

Diet Coke and Mentos Experiment

Just two guys, 101 2-liter bottles of Diet Coke, 523 Mentos and a dream

"Animation vs. Animator"

Do you remember that Bugs Bunny cartoon where the animator really screws around with Daffy Duck? Well this is along the same line of thought. It's a piece of flash animation created by Adam Becker. It helps if you know Flash, but I think anyone could appreciate it.

Time-Lapsed Aging

I found this on Yahoo this morning. This dude took snapshots of himself everyday for eight years, and stitched them together. It's pretty amazing. Check it out!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Demotivator of the day

This describes my workplace perfectly

The 10 Biggest Flops in Computer History

Miguel Carrasco's Real World recently did a recap of the top 10 flops in computer history including Microsoft Bob, IBM OS/2, the Apple 3, and Gary Kildall's CP/M. What's interesting is that for almost every blunder and mistake there seems to be a success story as well. For example, the NeXT machine (which was essentially a really expensive brick) was a flop for its company in 1985 but ended up paving the way for the World Wide Web and the core principles for Mac OSX. There were also a few examples of companies or individuals that made poor decisions or were just unlucky who mighht have otherwise prevented Windows from dominating the market. Enjoy!

Funny Billboards

10 Most Real Life Ghost Photos

In the spirit of Halloween here is a collection of photos from regarded as the "10 Most Real life Ghost Photos."

Funny Ad For Blaupunkt Speakers

Cool Commercial For Sony Bravia

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Chad Vader - Day Shift Manager (Episode I)


Video Game Music MP3s

Okay video game nerds... your moment has arrived! Here's the place to go to download practically every game soundtrack you could think of! The download process is a little tedious (you have to go track by track and each one has it's own page with a "download" button) but it's worth it.

Spooky MP3s

I was turned onto this site by a friend. It contains MP3s of vintage Halloween-themed 45s and audio cassettes. It includes soundtracks, stories and sound fx. Follow the link below. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

cat pics

Man-Eating Robot!

Look out... here comes the beginnings of Skynet. NEC has built a robot that can examine the chemical composition of something it scans with its infrared spectrometer (i.e. wine, apples, etc.). However, during a press conference when NEC was showing off the new robot it "tasted" a reporter's hand and indentified it as bacon. That's right... the robots are going to eat us for breakfast! Read the entire article below: